Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Uk is officially the best country ever :)

London is amazing and just so beautiful. It's just so exciting to me to see more and more of daddy's land! I was so anxious and jittery when we were about to land in London. Did I mention everything is beautiful? ha ha Everything was just so green mixed with different colors of brown!! I had a window seat so the view was incredible!! I was looking down...and you know how you look at clouds and try to make different things out of them??...well i did that but ground he he...crazy I know!! but if you've been on a flight for 7 hours with no sleep your jet lagged and miserable...and a little delusional lol!! But any who...i saw Texas and man's head in the ground it was pretty cool...but I'm almost done with the silliness...from the sky i saw a lot of red...i saw one red building and ,what it seem liked to me, 1,001 red cars!! It was a lot of red...and it really made me dizzy to see that traffic was going a different way. Everything was just awesome!! after finally landing, me and my two team members tried to find things to do at the airport for 6 hours. So we talked, slept, and got to know each other a little better. I then thought at that moment "Daddy is trying to teach me something important for the next 6 months." All three of us have very different personalities....extremely's going to be a very interesting semester lol :). This blob is very short but i hope you enjoy and hopefully I'll be able to tell yall about Dehli soon.... :)


  1. love this monique!! i probably woulda been doing the same thing on that plane ride! can't wait to haer about Dehli! yeah, pay close attention .. he obviously has some great life lessons to teach you right now.. smooches!

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  3. haha yea it was crazy!!!love u bunches!!
